Tuesday, May 09, 2006

philippines: day 11, tuesday, april 18

Day 2 of 2 at PG. Went on a snorkeling trip, saw Coral Garden and some giant clams. Good snorkeling but not as good as the Red Sea coast. Went into the town and did yet more shopping; finished the souveneir buying I think. But this feels too much like a vacation still. The trip back was very cool, with plenty of good waves to provide a near-coaster experience and plenty of spray to soak us (Ding mainly!).

Team dinner with the missionaries and then a de-brief. It went well, though Curtis and I spoke up a bit on some topics we were uncomfortable with. We both had valid points I think. Pampanga was a big topic, as well as team prep beforehand. The missionaries were very complimentary of our team and that was good to hear. We decided to spend the remainder of our money on the Scott's and Pastor Ding's family. Apparently Ding isn't getting much support from his church, which puts our trip to PG in an even worse light.

Had a great time laughing with Curtis this evening. he and I share some of the same concerns and a willingness to speak our minds. I really respect the guy; I'm probably closer to him than anyone else on the team. He'd better be on the next mission trip I go on. Hopefully I'll still see him a lot when we get back to our "normal" lives. Wait, hopefully the normal lives part will never happen!

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