philippines: day 2, sunday, april 9
AM worship service was great! Church was so small, but it was packed and there were people sitting outside listening as well, and children's Sunday School was outside next door. Worship was simple yet moving, more emotional than Cornerstone's. Helped me see how God is worshipped differently. Church was hot but not as bad as I expected. Sat in the back and was close to the breeze coming in. A purse-snatcher caused some commotion outside during the service but not too much disruption. Walt preached and they seemed to understand well enough to follow along. People were so nice!
Lunch then orientation time was good. Were introduced to Steve, Deborah, and Lindsey Scott (MTW Philippines leaders), Dr. Dale Knutzen (doctor missionary), and Harvey and Joan Hill (retired, teaches woodworking). Much encouragement on both sides. Steve stressed importance of short-term teams in encouraging and renewing long-termers. That was great to hear. Learned a bit about the Philippines in general.
Dinner was awesome! Great seafood at Josephine, not to mention the view! Well worth the trip. Got to get in on some Filipino style driving, too! Didn't interact much in conversation though...what else is new?
The people here are so nice to be around. So much passion and kindness - what more can be said? I wish I had more of that, and U.S. culture needs so much more. This culture is great for that. The church here is so strong too. I think if MTW folded the church we attended would continue on, strong as ever!
Still struggling to adjust and relax. Still preoccupied with things back home and such constant worries. Need to get over that; hopefully more time here will help in that regard. Need to just trust God in my life, but how to actually do that...
Up late preparing/stressing over Jonah study to lead tomorrow. I still hate last-minute stuff like that. What about needing more sleep? Some things never change.