Saturday, December 20, 2008

worldviews on display

I recently read an exchange between two folks, and found it interesting enough to link to. MarkyMark is a blogger that I've taken up reading quite often, as he has good stuff to say, writes well enough to reflect some intelligence, and comes at things from a more-or-less balanced perspective. (And when he may be biased, I usually agree with him so I don't mind!) And he seems capable of honest introspection, which is more than can be said of a lot of people these days. The comments and ensuing follow-up conversations to his posts are pretty good too, though of course I can't say I agee with all of the commenters.

He recently reposted a response he'd written to a commenter's critique of his earlier post. So read Mark's original post first, and Christopher's comment to it, then read Mark's response to Chris. (See links below.) I found this to be a very interesting display of how different, and at times, opposing, worldviews confront the same problem--that being the lack of respect and maturity too often seen in western women (a fact that can only go unchallenged by anyone with two or more brain cells and who lives in a western society, by the way) and the "system" that results from such behavior.

In my opinion, both men have shown via previous posts, comments, etc., that they're the intelligent and rational types worth at least paying attention to. Both men are middle-aged and in similar stations in life. Both are articulate and capable of expressing their opinions coherently, which is another thing that can't be said of too many contemporaries. Both have some knowledge of what's in the Bible, even if they agree with it to differing degrees. And both have recognized and are addressing the same issue. But one comes at it from a Christian worldview--although he says he's "backslidden" he clearly has at least the trappings of a Christian worldview--while the other approaches it from what he'd probably say is a deist worldview and thus one that requires no real accountability (to a higher power) on his part. This shows the difference that worldview makes in how we view things. Same problem, two dramatically different responses.


Lest We Become What We Despise... (original post, with follow-up comments)

Response to comment on original post

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