something the election might be good for
Our hero Vox has a great take on the presidential election face-off. Unfortunately, that's what it is: a face-off between two morons, while many better candidates go ignored and millions of thinking people of all political stripes wonder why we even bother with the charade of electing one terrible leader after another. But Vox has stepped in to rescue us from our misery by providing this new way of viewing the election:
Since Americans collectively have negligible interest in anything that might help them avoid their societal plunge off the cliff, I'm primarily looking to see them maximize my entertainment experience.Good call Vox, me too! That's pretty much the extent of the usefulness of mainstream society these days, so why not at least try to derive some enjoyment from the madness? I just hope my enjoyment doesn't turn to misery when these hordes of clowns finally finish tearing down the foundations of our society, key word there being "our"...