Sunday, December 07, 2008

nightclubs = worse than death

One of the things I've enjoyed most about finally having a computer that actually works is being able to check out good blogs again. One of those, of course, is MarkyMark's web hangout. And my first visit in months didn't disappoint. He has a post that links to this fine article about the terrors that are nightclubs. Great stuff.

As anyone who has known me is well aware, I've never gotten into the whole "clubbing" scene. I've never seen it as more than a waste of time, and the rare occasions in which I've found myself in loud, overcrowded bars, in which I'm constantly bumping shoulders with at least three other people and having to scream at someone two feet away to make conversation of any sort, have left me with the distinct impression that nightclubs must be at the bottom of the pit of society when it comes to...well, just about any metric you choose. They bring out the worst in culture. Brooker's take on clubs as "dungeons full of posing idiots" is an apt one methinks. One could argue that, aside from feminism, the club scene is Western society's worst contribution to history. If there's something worse or more debasing to humanity, I hope I never have the extreme misfortune of encountering it.

Anyway, there's a short welcome-back rant about how screwed up the world is. I'd better get off to do something else or I'll be here all day...

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