Monday, September 05, 2005

great use of resources...not

Speaking of being prepared...

How's that for a contingency plan? They were obviously prepared for the worst, eh? It took some real brains and critical thinking to realize those buses would be more useful soaking up water in a parking lot than shuttling people out of harm's way. Yeah, okay, the federal response was weak, the feds were too slow and unprepared, yada yada. Looked in a mirror recently, fools? Or is the log in your own eye so big you couldn't see it even if you tried?

On a related note, Gregg Hanke has posted a short but excellent piece about how the folks in New Orleans failed to act swiftly and smartly enough to prevent much of anything. He points out the fact that the National Guard troops in a state answer to the governor, not President Bush, and that Bush isn't even allowed to send them in without the governor's permission. So, Bush-bashers, please explain to me how whatever fault you see with the Guard response can be blamed on Dubya. I won't hold my breath. Also, New Orleans officials don't seem to grasp the concept of swift action, as in, issuing an emergency order to utilize some buses earlier than two days after the storm hits. Geez...could the preparation have been any worse?

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