Tuesday, August 30, 2005

dems' tricks not working

A few weeks back I had a bit to say about the Democratic Party's clumsy attempts to appeal to religious voters (see here). Well, surprise, it hasn't worked. In fact, it seems to be having the wrong effect for them--which of course means the rest of America can rejoice and hope they keep trodding down the same path.

This article has some results from a study showing that only 29% of voters believe the Democraps are friendly toward religion, down from 40% a year ago. It seems that Mr. Average American is catching on to the left's "numerous efforts to strengthen its standing with religious voters." And despite their top dogs getting cozy with so-called religious leaders--hey, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are reverends so we must use such terms lightly these days--and despite their pow-wow in spiritual haven Berkeley to straighten things out, they're unable to hide their utter abhorrence to anything religious. Sorry guys, the truth's out and it's been out for a long time. No wishy-washy surface cleaning is going to fix your image. As clueless as the general American populace is, they can at least see past your smoke and mirrors.

But wait right there...that 29% may look low but it also implies that over a quarter of those surveyed think the Dems are favorable toward religion. Excuse me?! What are those fools smoking? Or have they just been asleep for the last 40 years? Anyone who knows anything about the stances those faith-friendly Democraps have taken on issues like abortion to religious rights to education knows they couldn't care less for traditional values. Or if that's not enough just look at their leaders. Ted Kennedy? Howard Dean? Hillary Clinton? Uh, yeah, that sure sounds to me like a party in touch with its spiritual side. And yet almost three in 10 of you believe this party of clowns is somehow friendly to religious America. Get real people! This kind of crap tempts me to just bury my head in the sand and wait for the inevitable demise of our culture...oh, that's already happening.

Perhaps the best part of the article, though, is a Democratic spokeswoman's attempt to explain the problem: "we need to do a better job of talking about our values in a way that people see we share their values." Of course! That's it--just show 'em your values! But you see, that approach only works if you have values. And as I said in the earlier post, new age pseudo-values like world peace and feel-good "morals" don't work. Religious people--and that's more Americans than the lefties want to think--see that for the meaningless rhetoric it is. I'm convinced that people who actually believe in that bunk are already on the Dems' side. Problem for them is, there's so few such people and so many of the more traditional folks.

So keep on doing exactly what you're doing, Democraps. And I'll keep applauding your efforts as you slide further into mediocrity.

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