Thursday, January 10, 2008

one time sucker gone, several more to go

Just killed my MySpace account. About time, too. When your account gets hacked and spam gets sent from your page to folks on your friends list, it's time to cut that account loose. Oh well, that thing was basically just a huge time sucker anyway. Terrible loss. Really.

Come to think of it, I've never really understood why social networking sites are such a big deal. I often chalk it up to a generation gap and my unsavviness and lack of infatuation with the latest gizmos and gadgets and hot internet sites and stuff, not being part of the whole herd mentality when it comes to technology and having long ago gotten used to being one of the last dudes around to have or know about whatever is "cool," "in," etc. But there are people my age and even older than me who seem to do nothing else with their lives, judging from the amount of effort they put into their pages and accounts on such sites.

I mean, if I really gave a crap about somebody, wouldn't I just email or call them? You know, something a bit more personal and less generic, and even often requiring less effort to connect with? Well, not really, but only due to my total lack of ability to keep in touch with people I care about. But I'll at least think about them and pray for them when it occurs to me to. What I won't do is send some five-word blurb to their site that's chock full of five-word blurbs from others, or play along in some trendy online tag game of some kind, or fire off some generic mass-comment about nothing in particular. Maybe I just way too old-fashioned for my age, but isn't that a bit impersonal? Just a little?

Heck, if people give a crap what I think about random stuff they know where to go. You're there now. And my staggering rate of visitors and comments on here is a pretty good hint that such stuff being sent out via email/comments/walls/whatever would be spam. And if people really give a crap and really want to know what's going on in my life, they'll call or email. Same for how I feel toward them, except for the aforementioned inability to actually follow through on that. But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

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