Saturday, January 05, 2008

and i thought i was being stepped on

Check out this bit from another comment over there at that same post:
When Hurricanes Katrina and Rita destroyed homes along the gulf coast, those affected weren’t bailed out of their mortgages. Lenders offered a short grace period, then expected mortgage payments to be resumed on uninhabitable houses. Homeowners borrowed from relatives and friends, closed out retirement plans, depleted savings, and did whatever they could to avoid losing their homes. Those facing foreclosure now in the subprime market should be expected to do the same, or face the consequences. plight is nothing compared to those folks went through, or others in similar situations who had to shred their life savings to keep themselves off the street. Imagine the frustration they must be feeling...mine pales in comparison I'm sure. They should be yelling and screaming 100 times louder than I am.

There are a lot of great comments over there...go read 'em.

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