Sunday, May 24, 2009

another reason to like jon kyl

I mentioned many moons ago on this very blog that Jon Kyl has my respect. And he still does--add this threat to the list of evidence that Kyl is worthy of more respect than are most pols. Sure, maybe it's an empty threat given that the Repubs are pretty weak right about now, but what's not to love about a senator, instead of playing nice and dancing around the issue until forced to make a call, coming right out and staking out his ground before the nominee is even named? The man is a much-needed source of reason in a party and legislature otherwise laughably short on the stuff.

Back in the day I wrote Kyl a letter to thank him for singlehandedly representing millions of people who, at the time, had no other voice in the Senate to count on. Perhaps a similar letter is in order this week.

Now, if only that other Arizona senator would come to his senses...


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