morley on success
That "Quote of the Day" thing over there on the left had a pretty good one today:
There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.Regardless of how we choose to spend our life, the important thing is that we have (and continue to have) the freedom to invest our talents and efforts as we choose, whether that be for God, self, nature, or what have you. Of course, with freedom comes responsibility - we must invest wisely.
- Christopher Morley
This parallels with another quote I posted a few days ago about pursuing empty dreams. Methinks it's important to make decisions with that long-term goal in mind of not enslaving oneself to foolish desires. How much would it suck to sit in the rocking chair of old age and look back on life with regret, realizing we were enslaved to something beyond our control because we put ourselves in that position, or were able yet unwilling to get ourselves out of it?
I'll part on a lighter note, with another Morley quote that the MGTOW crowd should find favor with:
A man who has never made a woman angry is a failure in life.Wow. That's, um, putting it bluntly. But I like its implication that one should never let feelings and emotion get in the way of standing on principle. I mean, if we are too careful not to anger people (and, in this day and age, especially women), then where might we expect to find ourselves? Well, look around at our society. There's your answer.