Monday, November 19, 2007

can't put a price on peace and quiet

You know, all of this insanity with children does serve to enlighten me to a truth, a big plus in my life, that I otherwise might not notice. Hold on there, I'm not saying kids are all bad or must be avoided at all costs or whatever. Sure, they can be tons of fun at times, for folks who enjoy such interactions. But I'm convinced they're not for everyone.

It sure is nice to be able to basically call my own shots at all times and do pretty much what I want, at least a lot more so that those directly responsible for themselves plus one or more smaller folk. And it's super nice to be able to come home to a quiet, peaceful house, with no to-do list, no screaming kids, no never-ending errands -- simply put, no pressing duties or responsibilities toward anyone beyond myself. Selfish and spoiled? Perhaps, I won't argue that it isn't. But I'd have a heck of a hard time giving it up.

Praise God for the simple things in life, right?

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