Wednesday, May 30, 2007

blogger sucks so much

I've just wasted two hours of my life, which I could have spent on one of about 13,523 more pressing tasks these days, trying to force the ungodly clunky Blogger to accept my pictures with some reasonable text formatting. But alas, it's just not going to happen. It's unbelievable how crapped up this system is. Every single time I've ever tried to load pictures this has happened. That's one reason I try to avoid loading them or couch only one into text such that the obvious formatting errors aren't as noticeable. Those useless geeks at Google need to be lined up and shot or something. They'd be about as much use to the blogging world then as they are now. $&%#!!!

I'm unspeakably pissed right now that I've set my blog up on such a terrible host site. I'm sure there are better ones out there. If I had unlimited time to work with I'd find something better, but as it is I'm cornered on a worthless site with not enough time or give-a-damn to mess with moving to another one.

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