Friday, May 11, 2007

fred on "education"

Fred smacks another home run for the good guys, the side of truth and common sense in a culture that wants none of it. In summary, the government has chosen to recruit heavily for future scientists out of a sector of the population that has produced little of such folk to date for some good reasons. Fred elaborates more so you can go get it from the source. But one chunk is just too good not to quote here:
Now, if you wanna be a scientist even barely, or a really good one like Lex Luther or Frankenstein and have a lot of test tubes and knobs, you gotta have at the very least an IQ of 130, which is sort of two percent of the population...

These guys are who you need to do science. They are guys, whether you like it or not, and they are extremely scarce among non-performing minorities, whether you like that or not. And storing them during adolescence in feminized dumbatoria, in what amounts to daycare, with purported teachers who neither understand them nor like them and have nothing whatever to offer…well, maybe this borders on suboptimal recruitment.
Zing. There's that trademark combining of sarcasm and obvious truth in such a way that neither is compromised. It's a shame someone as sensible and blatantly honest as Fred could never get anywhere in our charade of a political process.

Here's another Fredism worth quoting, a common theme throughout much of his material:
Women notoriously care more about feelings and niceness than performance and winning.
So, so true. Call me what you will, but I think a lot of problems in society can be traced to the keys to certain critical functions being placed in the hands of those who are not wired for such duties. Not all problems, maybe not even most, but a lot for sure. And I'm 100% sure Fred would throw in with me on that, though maybe not for the same reasons.

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