Monday, November 14, 2005

a precursor of things to come

Colson cuts to the chase:
But time and demographics are on the extremist's side. The French are not reproducing themselves to replace those who are dying. And Islamists are reproducing and immigrating. France, as we know it, will soon disappear.
And he's right. That has been a brewing problem for some time and France will be part of the past in short order. It's too late to reverse the trend and they've got a growing population of unemployed, restless radicals* eager to destroy stuff and susceptible to terrorism influences. The fact that their economy is going down the tubes and the spoiled working folks with 35-hour work weeks and six weeks of paid vacation refuse to do anything about it isn't helping their cause much. I guess they prefer to go down with the ship rather than try to save themselves and their country.

Chuck makes another good point about how the French people's total lack of moral vision is costing them their society, of course primarily through their lack of reproduction. Okay, French, I hope y'all enjoyed your godless debauchery while it lasted. Had you cared to look at history you'd see that societies without a moral compass don't hang around long. Guess that sorta puts you on the clock, doesn't it? If you think your oppressive Judeo-Christian society with all of its stifling social norms was tough to live in, just wait for what's coming. Hey, people get what they deserve.

*Recall that the original cause of all this rioting had nothing to do with the police. A couple of kids thought they were being chased by police and so they hid in a power substation. Uh, yeah, slick move guys. That stuff hurts, doesn't it? Well, suddenly a lot of young types (mostly if not all Muslims) with nothing better to do had a reason to start lashing out at everyone and everything around them. And so the rioting was on. All of this kinda reminds me of less violent radicals in this country who latch on to pet causes too easily and start devoting their otherwise wasted time to something obscure (and, in the grand scheme of things, quite meaningless) like freeing Tibet or protecting their favorite animal they know nothing about.

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