Saturday, October 01, 2005

victim of my own stupidity

Well, since I'm up, I'll point out to anyone reading that I have to get up in about two hours to catch my flight and I'm not sleeping yet. For anyone who knows me this is no surprise at all. But hopefully I'll be able to recover on the flight...

...Not. I'll be going on very little rest, and sick at that with what seems to be some sort of cold. How's that for perfect timing? Haven't been sick in years and yet when I'm about to go on vacation... Just to get that extra few minutes of sleep I will be cutting it close and with any unexpected problems I could need a miracle to be on board when the plane leaves. And worst of all, it's an absolute certainty for all of my flights that I'll be trapped next to a screaming kid or five. Never, ever fails, and that's not gonna change in the next 24 hours.

Forget trying to be nice or evangelizing to people or otherwise being pleasant. I'm going to have to do everything I can just to avoid flipping out and killing people. Today could easily be the worst day of my life.

(I would throw in a joke here about what might happen but I'd hate for the homeland security folks to read it and drag me off to jail. You know, gotta keep an eye on us white American males; such a history of terrorism we have. But at least nabbing me might let them go after a real terrorist and keep the leftards at bay. "Look, we arrested a white guy too!")

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