Saturday, June 25, 2005

another reason diet soda sucks

Check out this recent bit from Nate:
26-year study, 1700 patients. At the start of the study patients were either at their ideal weight, or over-weight, but none were obese. Patients that drank diet cokes were 65% more likely to become obese over time than those who did not, and it got worse with each diet coke consumed. The study was performed by the Texas Health Science Center, and was presented at an annual diabetes conference in San Diego last month.

All of this bookends nicely with a recent Purdue study that showed that lab rats consumed much high-calorie food after eating the equivilent of diet coke. See? You know all those fat bastards out there ording a diet coke to wash down their 3 double whoppers with cheese? There could be a reason for that! No no.. I mean in addition to gluttony!
And there you have it. So not only can we continue to make jokes about those people who like to order diet drinks with fast food, but we're actually right. That diet stuff really will kill you!

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