Wednesday, June 08, 2005

fred on stupid white people

I shouldn't need to say this, but if you haven't read the latest Fred yet then immediately click on the link at the left and get caught up. It's a very good piece on education and why us lazy, spoiled white people are losing out in the real world--as opposed to that sugar-coated, warm and fuzzy world the educrats believe in--to Asians. It's all about how hard you work. It doesn't matter how advanced we are or how far ahead of the rest of the world we think we are. If we don't stick to what got us here in the first place, that is, hard work and dedication, we won't stay here long. It's easy to see that the center of technology in the world is shifting from the western nations to Asia. And since most American kids are stuck in schools that aren't doing jack to prepare them for real life, that trend isn't going to slow down anytime soon.

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