Tuesday, December 20, 2005

exciting christmas tv!

Heard an ad on the way home and couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I tried to look it up to confirm. Unfortunately, the WB's website sucks so horribly bad that any time spent trying to navigate it is a total waste and thus I've given up. So I'll just assume I really heard what I thought I heard.

According to the radio spot, for four hours on Christmas morning the local WB station will be showing an uninterrupted picture of a burning log. No joke. I mean, I figured Christmas might be a slow day for TV, but...wow. A fake fireplace for four straight hours. That has got to be a new low. They could have at least tried to put something interesting on. But hey, if they were aiming for low-budget programming to save money they sure hit bullseye with that one.

The more pathetic thing is, there are probably homes in their viewing area that will actually have that channel on for more than three seconds straight and for reasons other than comic relief. Why else would the WB gurus pull such a bizarre stunt? Their market analysis must tell them there are families that will watch a piece of wood burn on TV. Even worse, those families might even think they're somehow better off for having that channel on, as if it brings some sort of holiday spirit or joy or something into the home. Are you kidding me? A picture of a burning log? Man, this is just amazing. I can't get over this...

If anyone needs a picture of how pathetic Americans really can be, this would be a good example.

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