Tuesday, July 19, 2005

gotta give credit where it's due

Well...heck. Got me. Guess I gotta lay off Dubya for a while. I was sure beyond any doubt he'd cave in and go with a mushy moderate. And here he shocks us all with an unexpected display of principle by taking a white male with a solid history, solid views concerning limited government, and--most importantly--the hatred of the usual suspects on the other side. When you have trash like NARAL and the Alliance for Justice fighting you, you're doing something right. He's a member of the Federalist Society too. Sure seems to have his ducks in order when it comes to interest groups. He has been accused of being "heartless"--another nice feather in his cap and an accusation sure to be hurled at any good judge. He's got a solid anti-abortion track record. And his take on the Court's role...that's good stuff.

He's a bit risky though. Not much of a judicial record to go on, and some even say he doesn't change the face of the court much. And he's certainly no Thomas or Scalia, though few men are these days. I would have felt much better with Brown or Owen in the hot seat.

Dunno much about the guy but so far I like him. Not the ideal choice but certainly a promising one and much better than what I expected. How often can I say that I'm pleasantly surprised by one of Bush's actions? I'd better enjoy this one while I can. So no more blogging on him tonight; more will certainly come as I learn more and as the Dems ramp up their bitching about a guy they just confirmed. If there was one thing that was absolutely indisputably guaranteed, it's the whining we'll be hearing from Democraps for a while.

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