another fembot encounters reality
...and, as is usually the case when a twisted ideology slams head-on into the real world of consequences, trade-offs, and the like, the result ain't pretty. MarkyMark has the dish, and adds in a bit of biting commentary as well. A pointed question of his stood out to me and calls for some rambling on my part.
If you women were going to be men, why couldn't you have at least been GENTLEMEN?Good point. No, excellent point. But I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. Feminazis view men as worthless creatures, slightly less intelligent than Neanderthals and about as reliable as partners. They seem to be capable of seeing only our worst behavior, and magnified at that. So when they try to emulate men and prove themselves "equal," they end up being the equal of the man that exists only in their heads, the one who has no self-control, compassion, honesty, or any other decent qualities. And so they end up becoming something worse than 99.7% of the men I've ever met. No wonder men avoid them and other women disdain them.
Way to go, ladies. Grrrl power. But be careful what you strive for, because you just might achieve it.
I do feel sorry for women who were sold a bag of rocks during their younger years and are figuring out too late that they got duped big-time in the game of life. An entire generation or more has been caught in the crossfire, so to speak, having been led to believe the have-it-all, do-it-all life is possible, only to find out along the way that they were taught bullbleep all along. There is no "top of the ladder." The dream is unattainable because it doesn't actually exist. (This applies to much more than just feminism, too.)
Ah well, guess what grrrls, you have the honor of living with your choices just the same as the rest of us. Yeah, that's one of those nuances of reality that feminist dogma doesn't seem to get the word out on. But don't worry, no ideology can cheat you out of that experience. All of us have made poor moves along the way and have to deal with the fallout of having an other-than-ideal life as a result. Welcome to humanity. So suck it up, and take it like the man you've trained yourself to be for so long.
As cold as it may be, even as a Christian I must admit that I get some amount of satisfaction out of watching people, especially feminazis, reap the due consequences of their own choices and actions. Not that that's right or healthy, but it does reaffirm my faith that there really is some justice in the world. I can't say I'm immune to consequences myself, but that's part of my point. None of us are. So perhaps a little foresight is in order in life, instead of relying on temporal feelings or trendy worldviews (that folks will laugh at years later) or social engineering or a false expectation of permanence or anything else to somehow pull a fast one for us in the game of life. Ain't gonna happen.