Thursday, July 10, 2008

and i thought he was one of the good guys

I always figured Matt Jones was a decent, upstanding guy. He certainly seemed to be when he was with Arkansas, even if he did come off as apathetic at times. And with Jax I never heard any criticism other than his lack of intensity that's haunted him as long as I've known of him.

Well, either I was wrong or things have changed. But seeing his name in the blotter for not a little bit of cocaine does not bode well. Methinks his NFL career is over for the time being; it's not like Jax was all that high on him (sorry, no pun intended) last year and this offseason anyway, so they aren't exactly gonna be eager to cut him some slack. Yet another case of a guy "making it" but refusing to leave the past behind and keep himself out of tight spots.

Hopefully that's not as bad as it looks, but I'm guessing it is. After all, given the Hogs' track record of keeping guys out of trouble, nobody can claim to be totally surprised. I hate to say it but facts and history don't lie...

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