Saturday, February 12, 2005

stick to what you do best

Been reading on a few sites about this Easongate thing, as everyone else likes to call it. Seems that there are a lot of bloggers out there who suddenly feel mega-powerful now that they helped orchestrate the ouster of a media mogul. It's almost as if there's a witchhunt mentality out there, like everyone else had better watch their backs because suddenly the blogosphere is on a roll and looking for more victims. Careful, guys. If the blogosphere starts trying to throw its weight around and undo its enemies just by its mere presence, it sinks to the level of the legacy media it so loves to condemn. Bloggers need to just keep calling the news as they see it and not get carried away with their own agendas. Not that such doesn't already happen, but certainly not to the same extent as in the dinosaur media. I think the blogosphere has a seat at the news table not only because it's the fastest news source but because it is often the most credible news source. Little-known facts and evidence and such are exposed quickly in the blogging world. Not so with the other guys. But if bloggers start playing by the old media rules and become more concerned with promoting themselves than reporting the news, why would they be any better than the problem we're trying to get rid of?

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